Anna Sitz, PhD
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Ancient History Telephone: 06221-54 3722 |
Marstallstr. 6
Room 00.012a
69117 Heidelberg
Research Interests
- Late Antique Archaeology of Asia Minor and Greece (fourth to seventh century CE)
- Greek Epigraphy
- Greek and Roman Sanctuaries in Asia Minor and Greece
- Early Christian Churches
- Byzantine Cappadocia (Turkey)
- Labraunda Excavation (Turkey)
Education and Employment History
- 2006-2010 BA at Baylor University (Texas, USA) in the University Scholars Honors Program, with a focus on classical philology and art history
Academic career
- 2019-23: Heidelberg University, Postdoc and Project Leader Research group SFB 933 (Materiale Textkulturen) and the Seminar für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik. Subproject A01 UP1.
2018-19: Heidelberg University, Research Associate
SFB 933. Research, teaching, and writing project proposal. - 2017-18: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut and Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies, Joint Postdoctoral Fellow, Berlin & Washington, D.C.
- 2016-17: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Guest Researcher, Munich.
since 2017: Leader of subproject „Postclassical Labraunda,“ Labraunda Excavation in Turkey
2017-Dec: Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.
Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World. -
2012: M.A., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.
Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World. -
2010: B.A., Baylor University, Waco, Texas, USA.
University Scholars liberal arts degree, focus Classics and Art History.
Awards and Fellowhips
- 2018 DAAD Short Term Grant for Fall 2018, declined
- 2017 President Amy Gutmann Leadership Award, UPenn
- 2015-2016 Phi Beta Kappa Sibley Fellowship, year stipend in Athens
- 2015 Louis J. Kolb Society of Fellows, Penn Museum, elected as a Junior Fellow with a year stipend
- 2015 Penn Museum Summer Fieldwork Funds
- 2015 Penn Museum Colburn Fellowship, semester stipend in Athens
- 2014 Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) Mediterranean Regional Fellowship, semester stipend in Greece, Turkey, and Egypt
- 2014 Penfield Dissertation Research Fellowship, UPenn
- 2014 Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Scholarship, for the Visualizing Venice Workshop in Digital Humanities
- 2013 Tousimis Third Prize for Graduate Student Paper at 2012 Byzantine Studies Conference
- 2012 Penn Museum Student Summer Research Grant, for “Contextualizing Cappadocia” workshop in Turkey
- 2011 A.G. Leventis Foundation Scholarship for the Medieval Greek Summer Session at the Gennadius Library, Athens
- 2010-11 Williams Fellow, University of Pennsylvania
- 2010 Outstanding Student, Classics Department, Baylor University
Archaeological Fieldwork
Labraunda Excavation (Director: Olivier Henry. Caria, Muğla Province, Turkey.)
- 2019 Subproject leader, Late Roman Cemeter excavation.
- 2018 Subproject leader, Late Roman Cemetery excavation.
- 2017 Subproject leader, Postclassical Olive Presses excavation near Built Tomb.
- 2016 Participant in Roman East Bath excavation.
- 2015 Assistant supervisor in the Andron A excavation.
Grants for my Subproject:
- 2019 Akmed Project Grant
- 2018 Dumbarton Oaks Project Grant
- 2017 Kolb Society Greenewalt Project Fund
Corinth Excavation (Director: Guy Sanders. Corinthia, Greece.)
- 2015 Trench co-supervisor in Frankish Quarter cesspit excavation.
Alabanda Excavation (Director: Suat Ateşlier. Caria, Aydın province, Turkey.)
- 2012-2013 Sector supervisor, late antique and Byzantine contexts in temenos of the Temple of Apollo.
Philosophiana Archaeological Project Field Survey (Directors: Kimberly Bowes, Emanuele Vaccaro, Mariaelena Ghisleni, and Gioacchino Francesco La Torre. Sofiana, Sicily.)
- 2011 Member of extra-site survey team.
- Forthcoming “An Epigram for the Everyman? Strategies of Commemoration at a Cappadocian Tomb.” Studies in Byzantine Epigraphy 1, eds. Andreas Rhoby and Ida Toth. Brepols.
- Forthcoming with Demet Delibaş. “The Tetraconch Necropolis: Middle Byzantine Labraunda.” To appear in the Labraunda Chronicles excavation report series.
- 2020: “Architectures of Surveillance: Houses and Stylites in the Northern Syrian ‘Dead Villages.’” In Architecture and Visual Culture in the Late Antique and Medieval Mediterranean: Studies in Honor of Robert G. Ousterhout, eds. Vasileios Marinis, Amy Papalexandrou, and Jordan Pickett (p. 19-33). Brepols.
- 2020 “Late Antique and Byzantine Caria.” In Karialılar, Denizcilerden Kent Kuruculara - The Carians, From Seafarers to City Builders, eds. Olivier C. Henry and Ayşe Belgin-Henry. Istanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları (p. 62-77).
- 2019 “Beyond Spolia: A New Approach to Old Inscriptions in Late Antique Anatolia.” American Journal of Archaeology 123.4: 643-674.
- 2019 “Inscribing Caria: The Perseverance of Epigraphic Traditions in Late Antiquity.” In Early Christianity in Asia Minor and Cyprus: From the Margins to the Mainstream, eds. Stephen Mitchell and Philipp Pilhofer (p. 202-225). Brill.
- 2019 “Hiding in Plain Sight: Epigraphic Reuse in the Temple-Church at Aphrodisias.” Journal of Late Antiquity 12.1: 136-168.
- 2019 “An Early Christian Cemetery at Labraunda: Report on the 2018 Excavation near the Tetraconch,” Section in O. Henry et al. “Labraunda 2018.” Preliminary season report: Anatolia Antiqua XXVII: 183-229.
- 2018 “Press Close to the Built Tomb,” Section 6.1 (p. 297-300) in O. Henry et al. “Labraunda 2017.” Preliminary season report. Anatolia Antiqua XXVI: 209-320. Open access at
- 2017 “’Great Fear:’ Epigraphy and Orality in a Byzantine Apse in Cappadocia.” Gesta 56.1: 5-26.
- 2016 “Andrôn A,” with O. Henry, Section 5.3 (p. 416-424) in O. Henry et al. “Labraunda 2015.” Preliminary season report. Anatolia Antiqua XXIV: 339-457. Open access at
- 2015 “Church,” “Corpse,” “Titulus,” “Vatican,” in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Ancient Mediterranean Religions, eds. Eric Orlin et al. Routledge.
- 2019 K. Bolle, C. Machado and C. Witschel (eds), The Epigraphic Cultures of Late Antiquity. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2017. Review in the Journal of Roman Studies.
Online Reports
- 2019 "Labraunda: Byzantine Necropolis Project, 2018 and 2019"
- 2018 "Inscribing Temples in Greece and Asia Minor: A Diachronic View." Fellowship report in the CHS Research Bulletin 6.1, August 2, 2018.
Manuscript in Preparation
- Pagan Inscriptions, Christian Viewers: The Afterlives of Temples and Their Texts in the Late Antique Greek East.
Invited Lectures
- 2020 "The Fate of Inscriptions on Pagan Temples: Tolerance, Reuse, Destruction." Classical Antiquity and Its Heritage Colloquium, Aarhus University, Denmark, December 4.
- 2019 "Christian Graves at a Pagan Sanctuary: Recent Research on Late Antique and Byzantine Labraunda (Turkey)." Byzantinische Archäeologie Sommerkolloquium, Universität Heidelberg, July 19
- 2019 "Classical and Classicizing Inscriptions: Labraunda and Its Regional Context in Late Antiquity." Archäologisches Kolloquium, Universität Marburg, Marburg, June 13
- 2019 "Labraunda in the Early Christian Period: Recreating an Epigraphic Landscape." Archaeology Colloquium, Uppsala University, Uppsala, April 24
- 2018 "Reading Local History: Inscriptions on Temples from Antiquity to Late Antiquity." Hauskolloquium, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin, July 5
- 2018 "Inscribing Caria: The Perseverance of Epigraphic Traditions in Late Antiquity." Topoi Workshop "The Rise of Christianity in Asia Minor and on Cyprus." Humboldt University, Berlin, June 22
- 2018 "Alte Inschriften, neue Religion: Gedächtnis in Tempelkirchen." Spätantike Archäologie und Byzantinische Kustgeschichte Vorträge, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, June 19
- 2018 "Sacred Space, Epigraphic Display, and the Origins of Inscribing Temples in Greece and Asia Minor." Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik, Munich, June 6
- 2018 "The Problem of Periodization: Pagan Sanctuaries in Late Antiquity." Byzantine Art Workshop, Brown University, Providence, April 14
- 2017 "Inscriptionsin Space (and Time): Late Antique Interaction with Older Epigraphy." Invited paper, University of Pennsylvania, April 9
- 2015 "Fear and Trembling: Epigraph and Viewer Response in a Byzantine Church in Cappadocia." Gennadius Library, Athens, February 12
- 2014 "Imprinting Identity: Individualizing Cappadocian Churches through Painted Inscriptions." Invited paper at Penn Museum Symposium "From Constantinople to Cappadocia," Philadelphia, April 13
Conference Papers
- 2020 "Epigraphic Erasures: ‘Grammatoclasm’ in Late Antiquity beyond Damnatio Memoriae." Erasure in Late Antiquity Workshop (Online), Trinity College Dublin, November 12-13.
- 2020 "Mutilation, Modification, Christianization? An Archaeological Approach to the Erasure of Inscriptions in Late Antiquity." Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2-5
- 2019 "Archive, Autopsy, and a Material-Text Approach: The Find Spots of Inscriptions at Labraunda." Labraunda Workshop, Istanbul, May 15
- 2019 "Late Antique Labraunda: Spolia, 'Unspolia,' and the Sanctuary of Zeus Labraundos." Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) Annual Meeting, San Diego, January 3-6
- 2018 "Digging Byzantine and Frankish Trash: Material Culture from a Cesspit in Corinth (Greece)." Co-author Rossana Valente. Byzantine Studies Conference, San Antonio, October 5
- 2017 "Epigraphy and Oral Tradition: 'Seeing the Image' in Byzantine Cappadocia." International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Vienna, September 1
- 2017 "Writing on Temples: Epigraphic Habits of the Hellenistic and Roman Periods." AIA Annual Meeting, Toronto, January 6
- 2016 "Viewing the Past: Christian Responses to Pagan Temple Inscriptions in Late Antiquity." Byzantine Studies Conference, Ithaca, October 7
- 2016 "The 'Dead Villages' of Northern Syria: Surveillance and Security at Déhès." AIA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, January 8
- 2014 "Late Roman Epigraphy in the Forum Romanum: Fragments or Narrative?" Classical Association of the Midwest and South (CAMWS), Waco, April 2-5
- 2014 "Reading the Program: A Reassessment of the Tokalı Kilise Donor Inscription." Jaharis Graduate Student Conference, Boston, February 27
- 2012 "From Mortuary Temple to Church: Memory and Appropriation in Upper Egypt." Byzantine Studies Conference, Boston, November 3
- 2011 "ΜΕΓΑΣ ΦΟΒΟΣ: The Role of Reverential Fear in a Majestas Domini Composition." Byzantine Studies Conference, Chicago, October 20
- 2009 "Motion and Time in Virgil's Fourth Eclogue." CAMWS, Minneapolis, April 2
Universität Heidelberg, Seminar für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik
- 2021 Summer: Proseminar Hellenistische Könige und Königinnen: Macht und Herrschaft von Alexander bis Kleopatra
- 2020/1 Winter: Proseminar Demokratie im Klassischen Athen
- 2020 Summer: Proseminar Kleinasien: Griechische Identität im multikulturellen Kontext
- 2019/20 Winter: Proseminar Kulte, Feste und Orakel: Griechische Heiligtümer in der Antike
- 2019/20 Winter: Quellenübung Late Antique Paganism
- 2019 Summer: Quellenübung Constantine the Great
- 2017: Organizer and Dozentin of seminar and Exkursion (research trip) to Pamphylia and Pisidia (Turkey) with Prof. Dr. Franz Alto Bauer
Labraunda Ausgrabung
- 2017-19: Training students in field methodology
Programs Abroad
- 2016-2017 Group research trips (Exkursionen) to Cilicia, Cyprus, and Pamphylia/Pisidia with Prof. Dr. Franz Alto Bauer, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
- 2014-2016 Student associate member, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Greece. Site visits, research, and writing dissertation
- 2014 Visualizing Venice Workshop for Digital Humanities at Venice International University
- 2012 Cappadocia in Context summer program. Through Koç University. In Istanbul and Cappadocia, Turkey
- 2011 Medieval Greek Summer Program, Gennadius Library, American School of Classical Studies at Athens
- 2010 Summer Session, American School of Classical Studies at Athens
- since 2019: Peer reviewer for American Journal of Archaeology, Journal of Late Antiquity, and Gephyra
- since 2018: Participation in SFB 933 Themenfelder on "Sakralisierung" und "Layout, Form, Text-Image"
Archaeological drawings in Autocad, basic proficiency in Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, and 3D modeling software.
Organizer of EpiDoc Workshop (digital epigraphy), Heidelberg (Nov. 28-29, 2019).
Reading: Ancient and Medieval Greek, Latin, German, Turkish, Modern Greek, French, Italian, Spanish
Speaking: German (intermediate), Turkish (intermediate), Modern Greek (elementary), Spanish (elementary)