Benjamin Allgaier
Classical Philology (Greek Studies) Telephone: Sekretariat: +49-6221-54 2265 |
Department of Classical Philology
Marstallhof 2-4 (Kollegiengebäude)
69117 Heidelberg
Research interests
- Greek literature of the imperial period (especially Babrius, Lucian, Philostratus)
- classical Greek historiography
- literary epigraphy
Curriculum vitae
- as of 2019: Assistant Professor (Ancient Greek Literature, University of Heidelberg)
- 2019: PhD in Classics (University of Heidelberg, Germany; thesis: ‘The Epigraphic Dimension of Classical Greek Historiography’; examiners: Prof. J. Grethlein, Heidelberg, and Prof. A. Schwab, Munich)
- 2016–19: Doctoral Research Assistant in the Collaborative Research Centre 933
- 2016: State Examination in German, Greek, and Latin (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
- 2008–16: German, Greek, and Latin studies at the Universities of Tübingen, Cambridge (Classics), and Heidelberg with a scholarship of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)